Homeschooling in Jakarta on Rise

This article highlights some of the media coverage on the rise of homeschooling in Jakarta city. In the last couple of years, there has been news on this topic covering real-life stories on homeschooling experience. Local and English newspapers have shown interest in bringing such stories to the audience.

These stories are based on individual interviews with parents and children about their experience of homeschooling. We take a brief look at some of the very interesting and inspiring examples:

  • A 6 years old boy was expelled from his school without a reasonable explanation. His mother, Ferdias Bookelmann told Jakarta Post – “Homeschooling is what we feel is the best for our son. We see that he has an interest in art, science, architecture, and entrepreneurship and we want to facilitate his passion.”
Jakarta Academics Homeschooling primary field trip - students' outdoor learning
  • Alfa, a 13 years old girl from Semarang, Central Java speaks 7 languages and enjoys homeschooling. She explained it well – “Imagine you are sitting at an empty dining table and your stomach is empty, where then this encourages you to search the menu and pick whatever you want to eat according to your taste. But imagine again that the table is already filled with dishes, preventing you from choosing what you prefer. Even if you do not like the dishes presented in front of you or worse are allergic to the dishes, you still have to consume what’s offered.”
  • Indrawaty Tio, a mother found that her son, Mateo had difficulties to sit in a classroom when he was sent to the first-year preschool. Some of her friends suggested her homeschooling option. She said, “After a couple of years, Mateo showed significant progress and seemed to enjoy his time learning at home. It is easier to teach him good habits, such as honesty and responsibility through homeschooling.
All of these examples describe how homeschooling can be beneficial to children as well as parents. As we can see lots of changes in our lives in recent years, the traditional education system is not an exception.
