Jakarta Academics COVID-19 School Closure

Latest Update (starting January 2023)

Dear Parent/Student,

All of our classes at Jakarta Academics are conducted in a hybrid mode, allowing students to choose between studying on-site or online. Students have the option to combine their classes, such as attending two classes on-site and the rest online. This flexible approach not only saves time but also helps maintain a balance of social interaction.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you!

Covid-19 announcements in the past:

(On September 12, 2020)
Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is to inform you that as per the instruction from Jakarta’s governor Bpk. Anies Baswedan on Wednesday (9/9/2000), Jakarta city will be reinstating Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) starting September 14th, 2020. Due to this, our official activities will be eliminated temporarily and staff will be working from home.

Visitors or parents can still communicate with us using digital platforms such as Whatsapp, Zoom, Emails, etc.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Post: March 2020

As the outbreak continues to worsen the situation, we have decided to extend our school closure until further notice.

In the meantime, we will take all necessary measures to ensure that our students continue to learn as effectively as possible. Despite this crisis, we believe our students as homeschoolers are in a better position compared to many other kids around the world. They can pursue their study pretty much the same as they would in physical classrooms.

To make this happen, we are going to provide learning via VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS.

Virtual Classroom is more than just online learning. It is a combination of several digital tools that helps the learner to get a personalised learning experience. Often it is more effective in some perspectives.

For instance, in a Mathematics class, our teachers will use a digital whiteboard where students can see Math working in real time without distraction.

We will keep updating you on everything and if you have any concerns, please feel free to discuss.
