Primary Levels
Key Takeaways
- For 6-11 years old
- British Education for international learners
- Focused on core subjects - English, Mathematics and Science
- Combination of UK and Singapore
- UK - Pearson iPrimary
- Singapore - primary curriculum

UK Curriculum for Primary Levels

iPrimary English
iPrimary English is designed with the approach of a first language curriculum. iPrimary English requires students to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, and Writing. Students will be well prepared for further study at iLowerSecondary and on to International GCSEs in either English as a First or English as a Second Language.
iPrimary Mathematics
iPrimary Mathematics provides a strong foundation in mathematical skills. Students will be prepared for lower secondary education, International GCSE Mathematics, and beyond. Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary Mathematics requires students to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of the following learning objectives:

Integers; Addition and subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Four operations; Fraction and decimals; Percentages; Ratio and Proportion
Sequences; Expressions and Formulae; Equations
Measure; Shape; Angles; Position and Direction
Using and interpreting data

iPrimary Science
Singapore Curriculum for Primary Levels
