Lower Secondary

Our Lower Secondary curriculum is from Pearson Edexcel, UK’s largest awarding body. It is available for our grade 7 and grade 8 classes consisting of subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science and Business Studies. Students in their Lower Secondary Year 1 (grade 7) learn the core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science. Further, they progress to Lower Secondary Year 2 (grade 8) where the fourth subject is added. Students can choose their fourth subject from Computer Science or Business Studies. Lower Secondary qualification provides a foundation for the next most important IGCSE level.
Subject overview - English
The iLowerSecondary English curriculum contains two main strands, with each split into sub-strands. Speaking and Listening skills are woven throughout the objectives to support learning.

The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while ensuring students are well-placed to achieve highly in later examinations.

The strands and sub-strands are:



Subject overview - Mathematics

The iLowerSecondary Mathematics curriculum contains four main strands, with each split into sub-strands. The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while ensuring students are well placed to achieve highly in later examinations.

The strands and sub-strands are:



Geometry and Measure


The curriculum is designed to ensure that key Mathematics skills are properly embedded and that students are secure in their understanding of the concepts needed to be strong mathematicians. Developed with the needs of EAL learners in mind, the iLowerSecondary Mathematics curriculum gives an excellent platform for later learning and ensures students are well prepared for their International GCSEs learning from Year 10.

Subject overview - Science
The iLowerSecondary Science curriculum contains four main strands, with each split into topic areas. The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while ensuring students are well-placed to achieve highly in later examinations.
Scientific enquiry is embedded within the other three strands and students are encouraged to take an engaged and investigative approach to their learning.

Developed with the needs of EAL learners in mind, the iLowerSecondary Science curriculum gives an excellent platform for later learning and ensures students are well prepared for their International GCSEs learning from Year 10
Subject Overview - Computing
Our Computing programme has been developed in conjunction with leading education and industry experts to ensure that the skills being developed at primary and lower secondary level prepare students for International GCSE and beyond.
This programme is structured around the 4 cornerstones of computational thinking: